Sunday, February 27, 2011

Final Project

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenarios Plan

Target Audience:
 8th Language Arts Students

Figurative Language PowerPoint, Collaborative Groups Poems, TPCASTT Analysis Sheet, Portable Wireless Laptops/Computer Lab, Poetry Book Project Procedures, Edublog Instructions, Pencil/Pen, Paper

Students will analyze and evaluate the effects of sound (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, internal rhyme, rhyme scheme, and meter) in order to uncover meaning in poetry

Students will analyze and evaluate the effects of figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbolism, and imagery) in order to uncover meaning in poetry

Student will analyze and evaluate how an author's use of words creates tone and mood and provide supporting details in poetry

Student will participate in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions when analyzing poetry, and creating poetic blog

Student will develop an understanding of how the design process is used to develop a technological system (Edu-blog)

1.     Integrate Technology
-Review Background Information on Edublog
-Review Instruction Sheet on how to create a blog site
-Use portable laptops or computer lab to create blog
-Use one poem to post to blog
-Comment on two teammates poetic blog
2.     Edublog Instructions
-Click on Free, easy and great for students
-Follow steps 1,2,3 (These steps are your name, password, blog title, blog type)
-Blog type will be student
-Blog title should be students first initial and last name +blog
-Once you receive your confirmation log into blog
-Be creative and choose a theme for blog
-Your first post should be titled Poetic Blog
-Post your individual poem
-Add all your classmates to follow
-Comment on two of your group members’ blog

3.     Introduction of Poetry through Figurative Language
-Figurative Language PowerPoint
-Poetry Sound Effects Review

4.     Introduction of How to Analyze A Poem
-TPCASTT Poem Analysis Sheet
            * What does the title mean?
            *  Paraphrase/Summarize the poem.
            *  Explain the connotative meaning of the poem;
            *  What is the author’s attitude?
            *  What is the shift in the poem?
            *  Revisit the title, did the meaning change?
            *  What is the theme of the poem?
5.  Develop Collaborative Groups
            -Divide class into groups of four
            -Groups Analyze different types of poem for figurative language
            -Create Individual Poems using figurative language

6.  Final Project
            -Post Poems to Poetic Blog
            -Post TPCASTT to Poetic Blog
            -Respond to peers blog

Web 2.0 Tools:

Social Participation/Social Learning:
-Students will work in collaborative groups of four to analyze and understand figurative language in poetry.
-Students will work in collaborative to groups to assist each other in creating their blog websites.
-Student will comment on two of their group members’ blog to describing how they used figurative language and giving constructive feedback to blog site.

Making Connection:
-KWL Chart on previous knowledge about figurative language
-Pre survey on blogging

-Students End Product would be an electronic portfolio for their 8th grade language arts work.
-The Blogs can be used as websites for the students with evidence of their work and feedback from classmates and teacher.

-Students will complete a survey pre and post survey of their experience using edublog
-Teacher will respond to surveys on student’s blog as a post.

-Rubric covering Poetry Project, Presentations, Blog Sites and Post
-The rubric will give me an understanding of whether my students understand figurative language, how to create a blog and use it as a collaborative tool and electronic portfolio.

Overall Use of Blogs
Blog entries are few and generally simple retellings of personal events. No comments are made on blogs of others.
Almost all required blog entries and comments have been completed.
Five blog entries and five comments are submitted, though not all of them may give evidence of a substantial contribution.
Five blog entries and five comments are submitted, all of which are substantial. Beyond the required five, your blog includes many more reflections.


Intellectual Engagement with Key Concepts
Blog entries make no reference to issues raised through readings and/or class activities
Blog entries make some reference to issues raised through readings and/or class activities
Blog entries demonstrate awareness of most of the key issues raised through readings and/or class activities
Blog entries demonstrate engagement with the important issues raised through readings and/or class activities


Personal Response to Key Concepts
Blog entries show no personal response is made to the issues/concepts raised in the readings/activities
Blog entries convey little evidence of a personal response to the issues/concepts raised in the readings/activities
Blog entries convey evidence of a personal response to the issues raised in the readings/ activities, and demonstrate that the author is capable of reflecting on learning, technology, and society.
Blog entries convey extensive evidence of a personal response to the issues raised in the readings/ activities, and demonstrate the author's growth through reflection on learning, technology and society.


Engaged Writing
Blog entries use incorrect grammar and syntax consistently, making it difficult for others to follow. No links are included connecting your thoughts to those of others.
Blog entries demonstrate some evidence of correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Audience will have little trouble reading your blog. An occasional link is included.
Blog entries show a good command of Standard English. No problems for your audience. Most blog entries include links.
Blog entries show a very good command of Standard English and have some flair and originality. Blog entries may contain multiple links.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


This is a link to my completed Web2.0 Project.  Please use the link below to view. Once you click the link also click the link called voki response on the blog page to get the full experience of the blog.

Web2.0 Tool


1.  This is where I logged on to create my edublog.

2.  This is where I registered my edublog and upset up my blog account.
3.  This is where I designed my profile for my blog page.

4.  This is where I created the theme for my blog page and setup the content I wanted presented on the page.

5.  This where I customized my design layout and added any extra widgets and tools I wanted to be displayed on my blog page.

6.  This is where I develop/created my general settings and access to my blog page.

7.  This where I created and post my first blog entry as an example for my students.

8.  This is my published blog page once I completed all the steps.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

BP6_Link to Pam Blog

Follow this to Pam's Blog here:

BP5_Link to Lori Blog

Follow my post to Lori's Blog here:


PE_3 iMovie

Certificate Complete, Check out my movie.



I have used ducking on past project when I used the voice over feature. I prefer doing the audio in garage band and then importing it. That way I have more control of the vocals and can make adjustments for any errors. I used saved voice over for this project as an experiment. I experimented with speeding up video and adding sound effects.

Chanda 3 here

I learned how to quickly gain access to my event library. The Ken Burns event can be okay but means changing each photo. I figured out I could change that for the whole project by clicking on

Chanda 4 here

I tried all of the many options. I am interested in using green screen with my students. I tried freeze frame, some titles I did not know about. There will be many examples in my final film.


The iMovie tutorial exercise files took 1 hr. and 35 minutes to load. And when I went to use them they seemed to overload my system as I could hear the fans running. As a result I decided to just play around with my own experiments. I added many royalty free images I had from Microsoft ClipArt

Chanda1 here

I added Titles, Transitions, and Music.

Chand 2 here



My students are currently reading the novel Tears of A Tiger.  The students have to plot the events as they happened in the story.  They must have an exposition, rising action, climax and resolution.  Once the students have analyzed the novel through a plot diagram, they must give an explanation by relating the novel to real life.  In creating this explanation the students have to complete an animoto movie answering the question, what is the world like?  The video must be at least 30 seconds long.  When using animoto the students are able to tell a story through pictures and music.  They will find a background theme related to the theme of the novel.  The students then will find pictures based on the plot diagram of the story.  They will then organize the pictures to tell the story from their point of view.  The story must answer the question as a guide.  The choice of music must also relate to the theme of the story.  The students will then paste the video on the class blog page and all students will comment on the video.  This assignment motivated the students to read the novel and take notes on how to plot the sequence of events.  They were all excited and some wanted to place their videos on YouTube to for others to see.  Once again using technology motivated my students to read and I got 100 % participation.  Some of the parents were also excited and made great comments on the activities the students were engaging in.  To complete this assignment the students used the school computer lab.

This is my example of animoto that I shared with my students.  Please view it by visiting the website below.

Tears of A Tiger Animoto Video

Monday, February 7, 2011


Hi everyone,
I'm an 8th grade Language Arts teacher at Richards Middle School.  My students are currently participating in a novel study.  The title of the novel is Tears Of A Tiger.  To help my students actually engage in the novel, I'm using a web2.0 program called Voki.  My students have to complete weekly response to literature about the story as a homework assignment.  Each response must be posted to the Language Arts Class blog.  I create a blog using my voki avatar giving the instructions and questions for the students to response to the novel.  Students can create a voki avatar as well to post their response or reply.  This helps the students to engage in the novel and it makes them interested in completing homework assignments.

To create the voki, each student must log onto  They are able to choose the face of their avatar by selecting the type of character they choose.  Then they have the option to select the appearance of the avatar.  In doing this they choose the clothes, skin color, hair color, gender, and accessories and make up.  Once their avatar is created, the student then can choose their type of deliver or speech for the avatar.  They can choose text to speech, phone to speech, or voice recording.  Once they decide, the student will then create their response to literature.  When completed the student can publish response.  When publishing response the students select post to blog.  Once they receive message of successfully posted, the student can then review class blog and post to others comments.

I enjoyed using voki because it motivated my students to read and discuss the novel during class, so that they could have answer and information to help with their literature response homework.  I also got 100% participation and completed homework assignments.  Not only did the students enjoy the assignment, they took ownership and authority over their work.  The students also enjoyed creating avatars and creating a second identity for the class assignments.

Voki Avatar
To actually hear the avatar speak please use the website above.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Home Page

Home Page Second Half




Thursday, February 3, 2011

BP1_Welcome to My Blog

Hi Everyone,

My name is Chanda Robinson, I'm inviting you to come and participate in many entertaining, real life, educational and fun blogging.  This is the blog where you can relax, share, educate and enjoy.  I would like to start off with the question:  Have you done everything 100%?  This includes work, education, marriage, children and everyday life. All categories might not apply to everyone but to gain success, you have to ask yourself the question: Have I done everything 100%?