Thursday, February 3, 2011

BP1_Welcome to My Blog

Hi Everyone,

My name is Chanda Robinson, I'm inviting you to come and participate in many entertaining, real life, educational and fun blogging.  This is the blog where you can relax, share, educate and enjoy.  I would like to start off with the question:  Have you done everything 100%?  This includes work, education, marriage, children and everyday life. All categories might not apply to everyone but to gain success, you have to ask yourself the question: Have I done everything 100%?

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever seen the video 212 degrees? It says it takes 211 degrees to make water boil, to create steam and make something move you need to give it one more degree. Is that what you mean by giving it 100% ? I think you do burn at 212 degrees because I have talked to you at all hours and I know you give your best! Love working with you!
