Sunday, September 11, 2011

Response to Jen Week 2 Think Out-Loud PPP Post: to publish or present

It is my opinion, that publishing an article on research or best practices is one of the best ways to get a foot in the door, regardless of where you are trying to go. 
In my case, I would love the opportunity to present at the eLearning Guild’s Learning Solutions conference. They hold the conference in Orlando every March, and I’ve always been impressed with the content that they provide. They currently have a call for proposals due by September 15th for the 2012 conference. I’m not sure if I’ll have a submission ready by then, so I’m thinking about writing an article to submit to the Learning Solutions magazine, with the hope that I can be considered for a presentation at the 2013 conference.
Considering the topic of my research, the motivation of adults in professional and social learning environments, I think that I may have other opportunities to publish, as well. I regularly follow the content of Chief Learning Officer magazine, and I think that my research and findings could be very helpful for other training professionals who likely face the issue of motivation and voluntary participation in company-sponsored programs.
More soon,
1 Comment 
Chanda Robinson
Hi Jen,
I enjoyed your post on the to publish or present topic.  I also feel that publishing your work leads to great future opportunities.  I feel that people take your position and job more serious and it does give you a better chance of getting your foot through the door.  It is exciting to hear how you would love to present at a large conference like the eLearning Guild's Learning Solutions conference.  This shows you have great determination and motivation to achieve your goals.  It almost relates to the book, The Art of Possibilities by Zander & Zander.  You are inventing your opportunities on how you view the world.  That is awesome.  I feel your research topic is awesome and in great need, especially for the teaching profession.  We have a lot of adults or teachers who are not comfortable with computers so any type of training or online learning that is available they tend to shy away from it.  With the world of growing technology it is almost a need to have some knowledge of technology and eLearning is a great way to start.  On the other hand, I am a presentation type person.  I love to present my ideas in some type of format to gain the interest of my audience.  Right now I am in odds with what route I would take for my final project.  I'm not so sure if I want to present or publish.  I'm currently trying to weigh my options and decide what would be more beneficial for me as an educator.  Great post!
Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 12:39 PM

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