I would like to present my Challenge Base Research Project at the Georgia Educational Technology Conference. I would like to present to this conference to show educators in the state of Georgia and all over the United States the importance of using technology in the classroom. I would like to present my experience with using different types of technology that motivated my students to achieve. In my CBR project, I used technology to increase literacy and comprehension of my students in an English as a Second Language Intervention classroom setting. My students were reading and performing below grade in Language Arts. Their CRCT Reading scores were also low. I incorporate technology to help increase these scores and believe it or not my students scores increase greatly. They become motivated and excited about reading. I would love to present my scores from the beginning before using technology and at the end after using technology to prove to educators that technology is a great tool to reach students. It is a great quality plus teaching strategy and traditional teachers should attend technology conferences to get true feedback on how well it works.
good choice. good luck.